Is Peanut Butter Plant Based?

***See more on IS PEANUT BUTTER PLANT BASED below***

Are you following a plant-based diet or getting started on one?

Do you find yourself wondering what you can and can’t eat on this diet?

Is peanut butter plant based and able to be enjoyed on this type of meal plan?

You’re probably aware that peanuts themselves are 100% plant-based foods, but what about peanut butter? If you’re strictly following a plant-based diet, is this something you can eat or is it something you need to stay away from?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that there is no actual butter in peanut butter; the word “butter” in this sense refers to the consistency and texture of the food rather than the ingredients in it. With that said, however, there’s more to the mystery of peanut butter than just a simple yes or no answer when it comes to plant-based eating.

In this article, we’ll give you a quick rundown of what to expect when enjoying peanut butter on a plant-based diet. We’ll let you know the answer to this important question and give you some great suggestions for how to enjoy peanut butter on your meal plan, too.

Read on to learn more!

What is peanut butter made from?

Understanding peanut butter means knowing where it comes from and what it truly is, too. This may be a food you’ve enjoyed all your life but never stopped to think twice about. In this section, we’ll give you some basic information to help you learn more about what goes into the production of peanut butter, so you can more easily determine which peanut butters you can eat on your plant-based diet.

Are all peanut butters the same?

  • No! Different styles, brands, flavors, and types of peanut butter have different ingredients. There are also other types of nut butters on the market, including almond butter, cashew butter, and more. Choosing the right option for your needs may mean making a decision between different types of peanut butter.

Are commercial peanut butters plant-based or only homemade ones?

  • Some commercial peanut butters are plant-based and vegan-safe, and others are not. It all depends on the brand and the ingredients, so do your research and read the labels before you buy. Most peanut butters are made of ground peanuts, salt, vegetable oil, and corn syrup. However, some contain honey or processed sugar that may exclude them from a planet-based diet. The  best way to be sure your peanut butter is plant-based is to make it yourself—but you can buy natural peanut butters that are plant-based, as well.

Can you get nutrients from natural peanut butter?

  • Absolutely! All peanut butters can offer some nutrients, and natural peanut butters are a little healthier overall. A serving of peanut butter contains healthy fats as well as vitamins and protein that can make a big difference for anyone eating a plant-based diet.

Are there health benefits for plant-based eaters enjoying peanut butter regularly?

  • Protein is the biggest reason for a plant-based eater to enjoy regular peanut butter. There is a lot of protein in a serving of peanut butter, and since you will be avoiding meat, you need to think about where to get protein in your diet from other sources. You can also get an energy boost from the healthy level of carbs present in a serving of peanut butter, too.

How to get more peanut butter in your diet

Now that you know a little bit more about peanut butter, what goes into it, and where it comes from, you may be ready to start figuring out how to use it in your everyday meal planning. In this section, we’ll give you some of our favorite tips for regular peanut butter enjoyment. Don’t forget to have a little bit of peanut butter each day for health purposes, especially if you’re following a plant-based diet. However, be sure you don’t eat too much of it, or you may end up doing more harm than good. Choose your favorite way to eat peanut butter from this list:

  • Add to oatmeal and porridge: Stir your peanut butter into your oatmeal or porridge in the morning to get a tasty, natural sweetness in your morning meal.
  • Add to salad dressing: Many salad dressings, especially Asian-style ones, can be amplified significantly by adding a little peanut butter for taste as well as health reasons.
  • Stir into pasta sauce or noodle sauce: This is another great way to enjoy an Asian-style dressing or sauce, but you can also take peanut butter based sauces in other culinary directions, too.
  • Eat on pancakes: Spread some peanut butter and vegan-friendly jam or jelly onto your pancakes for a different take on the traditional method of enjoying them.
  • Mix into protein balls and granola bars: This is a favorite plant-based way of getting protein throughout the day, so don’t forget to try making your own protein boost snacks, too!
  • Have as part of a dessert: Peanut butter can feature in many desserts, so choose some of your favorites and don’t forget to incorporate peanut butter whenever possible for great results.
  • Enjoy a good old-fashioned PB&J: Yes, you will need to choose bread and jelly that fits into a plant-based diet, and if you’re going gluten-free, bread may be even more of a challenge. However, a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich can work wonders, especially when you need a protein boost or you’re otherwise feeling a little under the weather.
  • Have a spoonful: When all else fails and you’re just looking for a little bit of additional protein or carbs throughout your day, why not enjoy a spoonful of peanut butter? This may not be a great solution for every day of your meal plan, but it can be a big help in some instances!


Do you feel like you’re ready to get started incorporating peanut butter into your daily meal planning? As you can see, most of the time, peanut butters are plant-based diet friendly and are a healthy way to get protein in your diet when you’re following a vegan lifestyle. But what if you still have questions about how to enjoy your peanut butter? Is it possible to go about this the wrong way? What is the right amount of peanut butter to have in a day? Is there a reason why you shouldn’t go above this, or is the number just a general suggestion that can be followed or ignored as needed?

Basically, it’s a good idea to keep your daily peanut butter intake to two tablespoons or less. Having a little bit of peanut butter every day can actually improve your overall health and can help your body balance too much sodium while encouraging your metabolism, too. It can help you feel full between meals and can be a healthy way to get your daily fat intake. However, there is quite a bit of fat and there are a lot of calories in peanut butter, so going overboard with it every day could cause you to gain weight. If you are diabetic or have other health concerns, be sure to speak to your doctor about how much—if any—peanut butter to eat each day

Additional Research


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